Week 4 Lesa to Vadodara, India

Day 23 A steady start in the countryside where they seemed to be more animals on the road than cars or humans.  We stopped a couple of times to sample more of the bakes goods of Georgia.  Then some tough sharp climbs with some of the steepest gradients we’ve had this trip to wake toContinue reading “Week 4 Lesa to Vadodara, India”


Yes, not motivation… we’ve (kinda) got that sorted… but motives.  This has come up few times in our planning and talking about our plans especially on social media. Most people have been wonderfully supportive but certain groups have queried why we want to go fast and other people have asked why we feel we deserveContinue reading “Motives”

Bye Bye RRTY

RRTY= Randonneur Round the Year, it is a fairly simple concept of an award run by Audax UK:  You ride 1 calendar (organised ride on a specific date), permanent (set route/ride, but on a date of your choosing) or DIY (route and date dictated by yourself, but meeting specific criteria) event of at least 200km for 12 months consecutively.  Simples.  WeContinue reading “Bye Bye RRTY”

All Points North: Part 4, Perseverance

I woke up to morning sunlight streaming onto my closed eyes while the nagging alarm refused to let me slip back into blissful sleep in the soft sheets… I stirred and groaned as every muscle in my body complained at the rude awakening, only to groan even louder as I sat up on my tenderContinue reading “All Points North: Part 4, Perseverance”

All Points North: Part 3, Pride

Again, the alarm went off far too soon and we bundled ourselves out into a soggy grey morning as quickly as we could. The beautifully peaceful empty carriageways of the early hours had been transformed into a gritty, busy, hectic scrum of Monday morning traffic and I realised the initial plan had been to rideContinue reading “All Points North: Part 3, Pride”

All Points North: Part 2, Performance

And so it was we found ourselves rolling out of a Different Gear into the dusking light and through the city of Sheffield. My stomach was comfortably full of pizza and the remainder was strapped to the pannier rack for later, but I was hoping to ride right through this first 50 miles. Riders quicklyContinue reading “All Points North: Part 2, Performance”

All Points North: Part 1, Preparation

And suddenly I don’t know how to start, how to describe this ride, how it came about, how we ended up on the start line, how we kept our pedals turning through 617miles and everything that happened along the way. It’s 57hours after we finished, way under our finishing time of 79hrs 34minutes and thereContinue reading “All Points North: Part 1, Preparation”

Epic Riding Weather!

So this month has been focused on training for our biggest ride of the year: All Points North 2021 This is an ultra-distance cycling event organised by a Different Gear in Sheffield in the North of England. Riders start from Sheffield and must pass through 10 control points in a 72-hour time limit. They mustContinue reading “Epic Riding Weather!”