All Points North: Part 3, Pride

Again, the alarm went off far too soon and we bundled ourselves out into a soggy grey morning as quickly as we could. The beautifully peaceful empty carriageways of the early hours had been transformed into a gritty, busy, hectic scrum of Monday morning traffic and I realised the initial plan had been to ride this stretch earlier in the morning before we realised there was no point getting to Upper Coquetdale before 5pm… the road closed for firing until then.

Roadworks made the traffic even worse and we road in silence for several miles unable to talk over the string of lorries thundering past, luckily the hard shoulder left room but it was far from a pleasurable experience. Last night’s (or rather early morning) pot noodle was wearing off already and we were trying to reach Brough where we turned off onto quieter roads to get a break when suddenly a sign for a cafe appeared in my limited peripheral vision around Stevie’s lower back- we barely needed to say anything to know we were pulling in. Cafes are always a risk when you are in a rush as it can be amazing how long it can take produce some hot food. Sometimes as if it is a complete surprise to the kitchen staff that we have ordered something to be cooked off the menu and they must first acquire the raw ingredients and then build a cooker from scratch before individually cooking each item with the finesse of a Michelin starred chef… but in this case we were lucky and a full English with bountiful hot tea was rapidly produced and then consumed! There is no doubt that this took longer than eating cold sandwiches on the pavement but the boost to morale was worth it… just!

A veritable feast!

As soon as we turned off the relatively flat main road we started to climb, and this was to become the theme for the rest of the day. We had learnt from Anisa some riders were heading to Carlisle before cutting across to Upper Coquetdale and we started to wonder if we had missed a trick here but crossing the lumpy Northumberland terrain. I love this part of the country though, Stevie finds the isolation eerie but to feel so separate from civilization fills me with peace and excitement in equal measure and takes me back to our last couple of days on the Pennine Way where we were completely alone in the wilderness.

More familiar places from the Pennine Way came in the form of Grassholme Reservoir and we saw a couple of other APN riders whizzing down the the checkpoint here as we ground our way back up yet another out a back climb. One rider was planning to try and exit from Grassholme the other side as he was going the other way around from us… I’m not sure if there are solid roads there so hope he faired ok!

Grassholme Reservoir 287miles, not even halfway!

It is now 10:50am and we are 287miles into the ride and focused on getting to Upper Coquetdale by 5pm when the red flags will be lowered and we shouldn’t get shot!

Middleton in Teesdale felt very familiar from various cycling and hiking events and holidays and we avoided getting lured into the shops and cafes here only to cave and pull over for coffee near High Force to try and perk us up. The road was rolling flatter here, but is suspect it was a gradual climb, especially with the River Tees thundering down the falls alongside it. Then up and over again and through the Wearhead Military range which had a distinctive enough red flag to make us stop and check we weren’t “in range”, but it turns out 1 area to dodge bullets was actually enough for this ride and the road was free to ride. Time seemed to both drag and speed up at this point as every mile seemed hard won and the hours seemed to slip by, especially as the afternoon heat kicked in. We managed to hold out until Hayden Bridge before another stop and knew we must fill up and fuel up here as otherwise it would be a detour off route or close to 80miles before the next shop.

Stevie got collared by an enthusiastic bloke from Essex on his holidays who insisted on knowing the whole story of our ride. We normally stick to naming the last place we’ve been through and the next place we are going implying they are the start and end points to prevent confusion, but this gent was insistent and then incredulous and then determined we would repeat the whole saga for his rather uninterested wife! Making a speedy exit before anyone else twigged what we were up to we made our way up into the glorious peace of the hills again but for more slow progress and the aim of reaching the bottom of the road from Upper Coquetdale looking increasingly unrealistic.

Eventually reaching the old Roman road called Dere Street I had been optimistic of making up time along what a appeared to be a relatively flat, straight road and made the mistake of letting Stevie know it was now a 50miles out and back to this point. Sometimes ignorance is bliss though…

You know you’re up North when…

The road was not flat as of course if you build a straight road from a to b (especially in the North) it just goes up and over every incline and contour in the landscape. A steadily rolling road sapped any speed we could have hoped to have before three short sharp descents guaranteed us we wouldn’t be going any faster on the way back either. I was devastated to lose so much more time as had my heart set on clawing back time along this stretch before the final climb up to Upper Coquetdale. Our sleep deprived brains struggled to make sense of the miles remaining to the checkpoint and the time and distance just didn’t seem to add up.

Eventually reaching the turn for the Otterburn Ranges we were obviously well outside of firing times, as much as army vehicles were still out doing whatever army vehicles do. The single track road was at least pretty empty and the countryside around beautifully in that wonderful feeling of space the Cheviots have. A bit of passing traffic from some cows on the road at the climb actually went better than expected… before the typically unnecessary steep 25% descent to a carpark with a sign that was the checkpoint. We met another rider there that had gone the longer way round and then a third soon caught us up from the same direction- it seemed everyone was converging on the checkpoint at the same time! We made a quick turnaround though filling in the Brevet card with 19:50pm, almost 2 hours later than hoped, getting our photos and beating up the short climb before enjoying the long steady descent. Or at least I was enjoying it, Stevie has the job of avoiding kamikaze sheep and rabbits on the road and after a bit of “discussion” I conceded and agreed we should put the lights on which was just as well as it was pretty much dark before we reached the rolling Roman road.

It wasn’t quite as bad as expected, but not sure the prior knowledge did us any favours and we had lost more time before reaching the intersection again. A bit of flatter terrain gave me false hope of picking up speed as we road into the night but there were of course more climbs to come and one particularly stiff ascent left us rolling through Durham too late for even Dominos pizza which was open until 1am! Over 48hours of hard riding and little sleep or respite was starting to wear on me, I was just completely determined that we could stay on track but too befuddled to realise this was no longer a possibility. We stopped briefly in a carpark to stretch the legs and I started to lose the plot completely, frustrated we couldn’t raise our speed and that no matter what we did time was slipping away. Watching the speed drop to 9…8…7…6…5mph was soul destroying when we had worked so hard, the bike and us were just too heavy to climb faster. Even if we had put in everything we had on those hills we would have gained barely any speed and the effort would have been counterproductive in the long term, it was just so hard to accept that we were moving so slowly. Stevie at least would have been faster around the whole course on a solo bike, but even I would have been faster up those hills!

When the next “top of the mountain” icon appeared on my Garmin miles down the road I almost went into full-on meltdown, even considering a massive detour to avoid another time-sapping climb- I’d rather have ridden faster for longer than keep grinding at this point. Stevie convinced me to stick with it but my exhausted head became introverted and as much as I was awake I was in a dreamy state and not able to make conversation, feeling numb and overcome with the challenge. Then the icy mist descended as well and even though it probably wasn’t as cold as it felt it seemed to penetrate to my core and the next time Stevie pulled us over he found me shivering and barely coherent on the back from exhaustion. He soon bundled me up in more layers and the rest of the climb at least warmed me up, to only plunge both of us into more freezing mist on the descent. And emergency stop, down gilets on and all the layers. We then road off with Stevie forgetting his glasses were on the back rack resulting in another emergency stop and a jog up the road to get them.

Icy mist

We had had very little to eat apart from the snacks we were carrying since Hayden Bridge and had missed any form of evening meals, but still needed to fuel through the early hours and couldn’t imagine much better than a hot coffee to spur us on. My control sheet showed a 24hour garage a few miles up the road and I desperately hoped I’d got my facts right… the neon light eventually welcomed us in and the lovely night shift worker passed us hot coffees and hot pasties through the hatch- absolutely delicious!!

I tried not to over analyse the time too much at this point, but it was clear our schedule would need a rethink. Initially the ideal was to arrive at Middlesbrough at 2am and leave by 4am but by the time we found the Premier Inn it was 5:30am. The part of my that wanted so badly to stick to schedule wanted to push on but Stevie talked sense in that this would be false economy and we were certainly need to stop somewhere so it may as well be a comfy bed as we were not set up to bivvy. Another super quick turn around and I had passed out in bed before Ste was out of the shower, determinedly ignoring the dawn chorus starting up outside.

It was going to take a lot to swallow my pride and just admit that 8pm was no longer realistic and we would now do well to complete before midnight on Tuesday. It was not for lack of trying- my legs were in tatters, not through lack of experience- we know how the tandem rides, and not through lack of planning- although a hilly route any other would have been similar or added more distance just more about being realistic as to what can be achieved. The ride was always going to be an epic challenge and it was not our fault we couldn’t achieve more speed on our heavy machine… I just needed to get my head around the fact this was not a failure and we were still very much in the race!

Weather forecast: it definitely got colder than predicted in the icy mist!

All Points North: Part 2, Performance

And so it was we found ourselves rolling out of a Different Gear into the dusking light and through the city of Sheffield. My stomach was comfortably full of pizza and the remainder was strapped to the pannier rack for later, but I was hoping to ride right through this first 50 miles. Riders quickly diverged and we bumped into a few a couple of times on the way out but very soon we were riding alone in the darkness.

The night was warm and peaceful and I pushed hard to make good progress on this first leg, the terrain slightly rolling but the road shadowing the motorway was direct and reasonably quiet. One brief toilet break and we were soon approaching Wetherby services where we planned to stop for the night at just about 00:15am. Pleased with our progress we checked in quickly not to lose time and ate a bit more cold pizza before bed.

Unfortunately the hotel was serving as base for a wedding party and the sounds of merriment, which seemed so out of place considering what we were trying to achieve, kept us awake at first eating into precious hours of rest. The 4am alarm went off far too soon and I had to be shaken awake having slept through it. Groggy minds made for a slower packing up process and when we left closer to 5am I realised this was time I had not factored into the plan, today was the longest day and I was determined to stick to schedule to have any hope of making it round the ride.

Once on the road it was a relief to have some flat miles to start with, with a minor set back when the shop we were relying on to be open was very much closed meaning we hit the first control before breakfast celebrating with cold pizza again. Leeds Pal Memorial was to set the theme for controls the whole way around, necessitating an out and back detour, uphill and then straight back down. The weirdly isolate memorial seemed a lonely place surrounded by farmland and it was made even more poignant to learn the answer to the first control question was what age had Private Willy King died :aged 19.

We were keen to push onto Middleham at 93 miles where we next expected there to be a shop to stock up and were even more delighted to find it had a coffee machine (although only after we’d bought cold sandwiches did we find it had a microwave and we could have treated ourselves to warm food instead. The next stretch was at least 50miles without facilities so we ensured our water was topped up and we were full with egg sandwiches, cold baked beans and sausages and yoghurts.

This was where the terrain certainly started to get lumpier as we entered familiar territory of the Yorkshire Dales. Many an audax ride has taken us along these roads and we couldn’t resist and ice cream and a freshen up at the public loos in Kettlewell. We often ride the Etape du Dales route out of here too(and the Selad ud Epate when we do it in reverse) and felt more confident for being on familiar roads and reminisced about the various times we’d ridden them before.

The climb up to Malham Tarn was instantly familiar once we were on it and we groaned and settled down to a steady grind up one of the top 100 hill climbs in Yorkshire (according to Simon Warren), and unfortunately this wouldn’t be the last on our route.

We were treated to a descent to Malham Tarn checkpoint however, but the rougher surface and walkers and tourists made for careful going so we didn’t gain time. An open toilet provided a much needed top up of water bottles and a bit of refreshment but the unappetisingly beige wrap we had bought earlier seemed for reward for our efforts… we needed the fuel though.

Malham Tarn 125mile

Pen-y-Ghent raised it’s familiar peak in the distance and our thoughts turned to walking the Three Peaks and Pennine Way in this area. The familiar site of the Fourth Peak snack bar was too much for Stevie and he pleaded for a stop for hot dogs washed down with cool drinks in the midday heat while I tried not to witter about the time lost by stopping.

We knew the next stretch was a gentle drag so yet again settled to steadily pulling up to the top. Our next control was certainly not gentle and yet again prior knowledge meant we knew we were in for a steep pull up to Dent station through some wicked switchbacks. I’ve never been in the actual station before but it was no surprise to find out it was the highest in England.

Dent Station 148miles

Time lost climbing could not be recouped on the technical descent, but the morale boost of having 3/10 checkpoints done was great and a cracking gradual downhill heading toward the West coast felt well earned. I was starting to feel increasingly edgy though, the Dales had taken it out of us somewhat with so much brutal climbing and we never seemed to be getting a break to go faster with our average speed, including stops, slipped below the 10mph I’d hoped for. Arriving at Silverdale, (175 miles) just in time for my plan but then lost time looking for the control question answer put me in a particularly bad mood and Stevie was rapidly getting fed up with me moaning about a schedule that was meant to be entirely flexible anyway. I only settled down a bit when the main road up towards the Lake District proved a flyer with a tailwind and pre-ordering some pizza from Ambleside cheered us up even more as what felt like the first solid meal of the day!

Yet another out and back and epic climb for our 4th control: Honister Pass. We knew the climb well and knew we would be able to get up it on tandem, but this still didn’t change the fact it was going to be slow. It had long since got dark and I had watched the sunset over lake Windermere a few hours earlier and we were starting to feel the drag of tiredness on the one way route to the climb. We had resorted to putting the speaker, filled with cheesy upbeat tunes, on along the quiet country lanes and were suddenly shocked by another bike light on the road and experienced ultra cyclist Anisa Auben popped out of the dark. She had just stopped to rest her eyes too after an even longer day than us- she had had next to no sleep since starting but had another checkpoint in the bag having headed to Reivaulx Abbey first. She was delighted to see us for a bit of company as , as much as the rules forbid drafting, we are allowed to ride together for a short distance. We excitedly chatted about how our rides were going and what other things we’d been up to since we last saw Anisa on the Old 240 audax in the Yorkshire Dales a few years ago. The difference in pace of the tandem, faster on the descents, slower on the climbs made for a slightly broken conversation but we were all glad to have an excuse to chat as it kept us stimulated and awake to the foot of Honister. Anisa opted to save her knees and walked the toughest gradient while we grinded up to the old slate mine at the top. Now I was reminded of my Coast to Coast run earlier in the year and flying down to the slate mine on a shaley track after an epic day or trying to run uphill.

Cycling up the road proved only slightly easier for our tired legs and by the time we had found the information we needed for the Brevet Anisa had joined us at the top. We soon sped by her on the descent however and called to wish her luck for the rest of her ride. Now with all the big climbs out of the way I was ready to put the pedal down and power through Keswick to Penrith where a comfy bed awaited. The main road was wonderfully quiet at this time of night but a hard day on the front was starting wear on Stevie and firstly the music came on again and then the caffeine chewing gums followed by me trying to bully him into staying awake. I felt we were making up time on this section and desperately wanted to get to the hotel for 2am to feel like we were still on schedule. He was less worried about the actual time and struggling badly with the doozies but eventually we rolled in at 2:15am. We had a plan in mind: 1. kettle on 2. clothes off 3. water in pot noodles 4. super quick shower 5. super quick shorts wash 6. eat pot noddle 7. bed!

Feeling full and content with my efficiency I was out like a light and the alarm went off a 6:15am the next morning to get us out of the room by 7am for a 10hour 100mile ride to our most Northerly point: Upper Coquetdale.

Weather forecast: pretty much what happened, but no rain 😀

All Points North: Part 1, Preparation

And suddenly I don’t know how to start, how to describe this ride, how it came about, how we ended up on the start line, how we kept our pedals turning through 617miles and everything that happened along the way. It’s 57hours after we finished, way under our finishing time of 79hrs 34minutes and there still seems so much to take in but I wanted to write something while the memories are still fresh and the emotions (and saddle sores!) are still raw.

I had heard snippets around the inaugural All Points North event in 2019 but being a through and through audaxer at this point and focused on Paris-Brest-Paris paid little more than passing attention. The following lockdowns set a different vibe of riding for us so it was only when I interview Angela Walker for our podcast “Stoked to be Here” my interest was piqued yet again. Ang is a very experienced rider in her own right and with background with the TransCon and audaxes would know exactly what would make such an event tick on UK soil. Her passion for promoting the inclusivity of the sport of long/ultra-distance cycling and helping run A Different Gear, a not for profit bike and workshop supporting the Heeley Trust and local community make All Point’s North a special event to be part of.

The ride has a unique feel with cap numbers and dot watched tracking similar to international ultra-distance events but a small field and the impression you are part of a tight knit group of single minded folk.

Having said that the chat online in the run up to the event was suspiciously quiet… until one brave soul confessed their nerves only to be followed by a stream of similar comments from those suddenly doubting their wisdom in entering such a race.

It had been several months before when I had completed the application forms, hoping we would be unusual enough to warrant a direct place. There was reportedly a large number of young/middle aged males planning on a fast route around and weighting was given to others falling outside this demograph: seeing as we were half female, a pair, planning to complete with little time to spare and on a tandem I felt this would give us the edge in the application process! There were a number of questions to answer too regarding past experience and our approach to different scenarios and as much as the question about military firing ranges seemed a bit odd, my cheeky response to what we would do about a snapped drive side rear spoke in the back end of nowhere (I said I’d get Stevie to fix it while I got the snacks out!) we still soon had an successful entry… and then it all seemed a bit too late to reconsider!

It’s not like we haven’t undertaken similar events before; Stevie’s palmares has a bunch of LELs (London-Edinburgh-London) and PBP (Paris-Brest-Paris) audaxes as well as his own DeLEJoGDe (Derby-Lands End-John O’Groats-Derby) completed in 9 days unsupported, but we’d completed the extremely challenging Mille Pennines 1000km audax in 2017 and I had finished PBP on a solo bike a few hours out of time after sickness in 2019.

But somehow APN was a different beast.

The first challenge was the planning- we are used to riding set course audaxes, or planning touring rides where time and distance are less of an issue but suddenly routing was key to success. After plugging the controls into Komoot and Ride with GPS and experimenting with different directions and controls I settled with Ride with GPS being most user friendly for a basic idea of routing- our aim was to keep distance as low as possible and we were willing to take the hit of some less scenic roads to accomplish this.

However, it was important the route was a joint decision and Stevie not being as keen on the new fangled planning apps had me resort to purchasing some trusty old (well new!) 1:250 000 OS road maps. Initially we underestimated the amount North than All Point’s North might travel so the Southern Scotland map was purchased too!

Planning meeting in progress!

A planning meeting was booked at the one place I knew I could rely on Stevie to be: the Hole in the Wall, our local micropub and they were very tolerant of us commandeering a couple of tables to spread our maps out. Being able to see the route on a scale great than that of a laptop screen was definitely a benefit and I transposed it onto RWGPS along the way.

It was certainly not looking flat, and many roads we were familiar with from audaxes covering the same terrain- there were often few road options and without making large time consuming detour we accepted that hills would feature frequently on our roads, as would a fair few out an backs to checkpoints which were obviously strategically positions to make for a challenging ride.

The real sticking point came when we realised the Upper Coquetdale was in the middle of the Otterburn Military firing range (that question in the application process hadn’t been quite so random after all…) and we would either have to hope the range was closed or make a 30mile detour. It took a fair amount of research to discover the bridleway, usually something we would never consider riding in a tandem, was in fact asphalt with parking places visible on google earth but memories from when we walked the Pennine Way the previous year and listening to the ranges firing noise through the dark isolation of the Cheviots at night left me with a sense of foreboding about this leg of the route.

Other than this, preparations were pretty standard, I felt I have a more structured training plan than I have previously had for other cycling events having trained to a structure already this year for my Coast to Coast run. Having said that I was still pushing hard to fit training around work and Stevie, despite being by far the stronger rider, was struggling to get out on the bike around renovations going on at home. We had however already completed a Super Randonneur series in typically challenging conditions this year which gave us some confidence we had the distance in our legs and riding this sort of event to finish, fitness is only a small proportion of the means to success: strategy and mindset are at least as equally important.

So for us having a strategy beforehand was key, we had an idea of what we could achieve on the tandem as we were never going to break any records around a course like this, in fact we were being extremely brave/ foolish for trying and agreed in advance that we both acknowledged there was a real risk of not finishing the event and we may have to pull out, especially as I would be back to work within a few days. There could be no rush.

The second main strategy was sleep. Firstly because being sleep deprived is the most miserable part of these rides for me: memories that still make me feel giddy and sick are day 3 of the Mille Pennines stood on a quiet Yorkshire road in the early hours getting alternatively rained on and bitten by midges whiles sucking on a pro-plus lodged under my tongue wondering how I was going to stop falling asleep on the bike and to struggling to see where to place one foot in front of the other on PBP 2019 having hallucinated giant bunnies in the bushes at the side of the road. These experiences are one I was not keen to repeat and we were also keen to enjoy the ride as much as possible- there is no point in cycling through all the most beautiful places in the North in darkness.

Shattered on the Mille Pennines 2017

We are also becoming firm believers that being sleep deprived just makes for a slower ride- your pace drops, you stop more and it takes more energy to keep going and more time lost on multiple stops when one long stint would be of greater benefit in the long term. So this is what lead us to plan our 3 hotel strategy.

This is the height of luxury for us, we are quite used to sleeping on village hall floor amongst the cacophony other exhausted fellow audaxer snores and have bivvyed already this year on our 600km audax. But in this instance planning to sleep meant: a warm cosy bed for proper rest each night and the ability to use the “it’s a whole new day mindset” upon getting up after what might be only a couple of hours, the facilities of charging points, showers and a kettle which may sound luxurious but saved on batteries/food luggage and time on breakfast, finding morning cups of tea and also getting clean is a great strategy to stave off saddle sores. Most budget hotels will let you take a bike in the room or have provisions for one so we planned to stop in these accordingly.

A rare hotel room stop- the height of luxury!

The last thing to set up was kit. By this point we know what we take and what we might need on a 200km, 300km, 400km and 600km ride and on this case the only extra things we took were plugs and charging packs and toothbrushes.

So finally it seemed we were all set! The last two weeks of training were absolutely draining around a chaotic time at work but all too soon I was in my last week of tapering desperately trying to get everything ready and make sure I had enough rest and check the route and firing times and get my kit packed and ready and get the correct provisions in and make sure everything was charged up and get my head in a good place.

Not quite a kit grid…

Stevie isn’t on social media, but I was left feeling more anxious than I normally would after reading the post full of other riders’ nerves and qualms about the ride to come. Had we really bitten off more than we could chew? Were we really experienced enough to take on such an event? What had we missed with the planning or route? What had I forgotten to take?

At this rate it would be a relief to get going when all we have to do is turn the pedals!

Weather forecast, pretty accurate!

Epic Riding Weather!

So this month has been focused on training for our biggest ride of the year: All Points North 2021

This is an ultra-distance cycling event organised by a Different Gear in Sheffield in the North of England. Riders start from Sheffield and must pass through 10 control points in a 72-hour time limit. They must be unsupported, receiving no outside assistance which is not readily available to everyone (no friends, family or well-meaning dot-watchers), can ride the controls in any order they wish and must design their own route. The route will likely be over 1000km and the controls are, shall we say, particularly scenic…( often up big hills!)

There is a mix of riders and we are in the pairs category and the only tandem to have ever dared to enter… it remains to be seen if we will make the finishers meal at 8pm on Tuesday!

But YOU can be the first to know! “Dot watching” has become increasingly popular recently and you can follow our virtual “dot” at :

Track Live Progress of APN21

We are APN21 Pair 76a and 76b! So come and virtually cheer us on!!

This has meant a shorter blog post this time but our friends at Epic Ride Weather have kindly posted one for us about all things epic and weather on our Super Randonneur series which has been the lead up training for this event. Check it out HERE .

Finally we would like to say a massive THANK YOU to our new sponsors Exustar Global who have not only fitted use out with some rather fabulous helmets and jerseys we will be using for APN and ARW (Around the World!) but also some SPD sandals which we are really looking forward to putting through their paces once we’ve recovered from APN… it’s never a good idea to trial new kit on a big ride no matter how comfy they feel and how high quality they are!

So… we’ll see you on the other side!

Getting kitted up

How are you going to carry all your stuff around the World and how much gear are you going to take? Is a question we are commonly asked and the short answer is simple:

‘We don’t always travel light…

On the bike and just as much as we need but no more!

The longer answer, I figured, is worthy of a blog post!

Choose what to take, and potentially even more importantly what not to take, can be key to the success of a ride or any other adventure for that matter. Not only do you need to be safe and have the essentials you need, but on longer events, there is a lot to be said for the motivation of comfort and being self-sufficient on the road. Taking too much though is a massive no-no as weight is key to speed and speed is key to success.

I think knowing what to pack is very much down to experience. Many riders and adventurers will publish their kit online or in their books such as Jenny Graham and Alastair Humphreys have done for their round the World trips but there is a massive amount of variation between individuals. We are of course packing for two as well which has the benefits of being able to share some items, but we will have only one bike to put it on!

And sadly Geoffrey won’t be able to packhorse us…

When we retraced a few days of the Pennine Way recently on foot with full camping weight I was impressed by how much it is now second nature to pack for these sorts of trips for us. You can read forums and streams of posts online about people agonising about what to take and how heavy their pack should be but we have a sense of what we will need and use from numerous previous trips of this sort and came back with a few extra layers of clothing unsued but pretty much everything else served a purpose. Similarly, a long weekend away bike touring was a simple case of a couple of panniers filled with the essentials and a few creature comforts to reflect our more sedate pace.

We’re used to camping up and making do- note the sock drying system!

Another nice system that has developed over time is how we can now pack separately with very little discussion but still, everything gets packed without duplication. Stevie: packs tooling, toiletries, lighting and I pack: Food, first aid kit, charging, caffeine and we both pack our own clothing.

It didn’t always work out like this and I once went on a cycling weekend without cycle shorts and we may have started a 200km without waterbottles recently but we certainly just keep getting better and better and packing smart and slick.

A new look for cycling?

I think it helps that we are of a similar ethos and both of us are quite minimalistic in the way we live anyway; not using a vast array of different products just a few key ones, (mostly Sudocrem, Aveeno and argan oil) and are quite happy in the same set of clothes for days on end… even if people around us are not!

We also are both keen on getting the most out of our kit and don’t believe in buying in the next new fashion or upgrading kits every few years. We want stuff that lasts. Some of Stevie’s legendary fixes involve patching and mending with rubber sealant and cable ties. His oldest Carradice is the Junior bought in 1998 and used lovingly for 33 years- I’m always proud to have this bag on my bike, it could certainly tell a lot of stories! We are keen to recycle kit where possible too, often coming up with hidden gems from the bargain bins at York Rally and all my cycle shorts are 2nd hand from eBay (new not used…!)

However, some kit needs to be 100% reliable and durable and this is where we do invest more. We splashed out on new walking waterproofs last year and the developments in terms of weight, comfort and performance have obviously been massive compared to our old ones. We are sizing up options for a tent, sleeping bags and mats which will probably weigh less than half and take up a lot less room than our current set up and Alpkit seem to fit the bill. Alpkit is a fantastic locally based company which not only has amazing kit but also promotes sustainability and going nice places to do good things! We would love to have them sponsor us in some way towards kit and are on a bit of a campaign to liaise with them on our round the World adventure!

We even went to visit them!

We have been massively fortunate to already have some amazing companies on board to support other pieces of kit and have a massively exciting one in the pipeline! Cycle Touring Life are not so local, being based in Canada, but we were so impressed with their Erro panniers we asked them if they would like to help us out and they have agreed to kit out the tandem with all the luggage we could need! We will be taking 4 panniers- 2 front and 2 rear with a couple of frame bags-including a new “nosebag” for me and a bar bag to carry everything we need. We had a similar set-up when we road LeJog and considering we had a much bulkier kit this should be more than enough for day to day around the World.

LeJog packing- how did we get that lot on one bike?!

Day to day is one thing, but 180 days is a bit different and we can expect to wear kit out in this time. We have a list of spare/ replacement parts we will need for the bike based on the mileage we are doing and carrying up to 10 new chains is not really practical.

Some of the spares…

So we are planning 4 kit drops around the World to take the pressure off and pick gear up. At the moment we are looking at Biskehk, Singapore, Vancouver and New York for these and if anyone has any contacts in these places (and Auckland), especially with bike shops we would be keen to know as we will be needing bike boxes to pack the tandem in two too! We are delighted that Schwalbe are helping us out with tyres and tubes, the Tandem Shop are helping us get all the gear together and around the World and even Village Biltong are sponsoring us brake pads to “break for Biltong!”.

The rest of our cycling clothing is being specially designed by another potential sponsor we have in the pipeline which promises to be an amazing collaboration… details TBC!!

So some things are obvious: we have decided having lightweight camping set up will give us the most options in terms of where we stop so tent, sleeping bags and mats are all a must. We feel we would find trying to find accommodation too restrictive and bivvying, although fun for a couple of nights, would decrease our comfort over more than that and could affect our recovery each day. It is vital we are well-rested and recovered to keep the pedals turning consistently for 180 days.

One sticking point we have at the moment is the stove. Advice from Mark Beaumont is not to take one and technically this makes sense, we should be able to get refreshments all over the World and we can make do without hot drinks and meals for as long as we need to. But there is just something about a nice cuppa tea in the morning! I failed to not take the stove (as in gas canister with screw-on attachment) twice recently walking and bike touring and not only does making your own pint of tea in the morning save money but also often time and there is no doubt that a hot meal helps raise morale when it’s cold and wet far more than cold sandwiches… one to ponder more…

And then there’s all the other “bits and bobs” we will need over 6 months; we already use solid shampoo and conditioner (which I make myself!), suncream will be p20 where a little goes a long way and lasts all day but we do have the issue of maintaining Stevie’s molasses consumption for beard health- maybe some form of molasses toffees? Some things may seem a little luxurious but can work wonders in terms of motivation and motivation= speed. Listening to (and singing along to) cheesy music on our tiny 180g speaker on our recent 600km event certainly helped us up the pace in the wee hours and sleepy spell midafternoon.

Wander Wye 600km audax

We will have to keep all these electronics charged, making sure we have a solid GPS track around the World to ensure our ride is verified by Guinness. A dynamo in the hub of the front wheel is one option and what we run on our serious Audax solo bikes, but if it failed it would leave us in a right pickle so we plan to use a combination of solar panels and a power pack, recharging whenever we stay somewhere with power points to use.

Powered by the sun!

We hope and plan to have all our kit tried and tested before we begin because as much as our experience means we know pretty much what we will need it will be important to trim down on anything excessive. I am thinking my luxury item with be my shawl which (hitch hiker’s guide to the galaxy style) also doubles up as a towel, blanket, cardi, pillow, sarong, beach towel, headrest for planes, headscarf where locally cultural, scarf, skirt and I’m sure some uses I haven’t discovered yet.

Another aspect to try and test is how we are going to (virtually) take lovely people like you with us! Mobile phones nowadays are so versatile we will be able to do live updates and maybe even podcasts around the World. Filming is more of a work in progress but I’m getting used to what works and what doesn’t with my little action camera and have been recording all our significant rides this year. We would love to have a collaboration with someone more professionally involved in adventure filmmaking, but in the meantime, I’m loving all the different shots you can get from the back of a tandem!

Now, what have I missed? What would you take? Let us know in the comments below 🙂

“At Brandenburg Gate, turn left…”

Where to begin… literally! And how do you plan a route around the World? How do we avoid getting lost, pick the best roads, avoid mountain ranges and potholes and still see the best sights all in record breaking time?!

The answer is not of course a straight forward one.

Where to start the ride was actually not that tricky, as tempting as it is to ride from the front door, the need for speed means that extra delays in crossing the channel make mainland Europe a safer bet, and we have spent plenty of time cycling all over the UK already right?!

Just the length of the UK!

In a nod to the rather fantastic Jenny Graham, who arguably has been one of the greatest inspirations for this ride, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin seemed a great place to start our adventure too; and with Stevie’s brother Michael living nearby it will make it a great hub to depart and (hopefully!) arrive back 6 months later. We have finally settled on a departure date for the ride too of Sunday 5th June 2022 which is conveniently at the end of the Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday, giving us time to get pack and any well-wishers the chance to wave us off.

Jenny Graham returned to the Bradenburg Gate after an amazing 124day!

So we just head East from there right?! As much as some World cyclists have been known to navigate by compass alone (mentioning no names @TimMillikin…) we need to take a more structured approach and for this ride at least will need to stay ON the beaten track and make good progress. There are also stipulations from Guinness with which we must abide to qualify for the record:

a)    Start and finish points must be the same location. Check.
b)    The journey should be continual and in one direction i.e. we will travel West to East, as many have before. This tends to favour prevailing winds. Any considerable distance travelled opposite to the direction of the attempt will be discounted from the overall distance. (So we can’t just fly back to the start of the same piece of flat road and cycle that repeatedly!)
c)    The minimum distance travelled by the chosen means (e.g. bicycle) should be 18,000 miles (28,970 km), and the total distance travelled by the participant (e.g. by public or chartered transportation), should exceed an equator’s length or ‘great circle’, i.e. more than 24,900 miles (40,075 km). Land’s End to John O’Groats was about 1000miles…
d)    The participants must pass through two antipodal points on direct opposite points on the globe. So we can’t just cycle around the North pole in circles too!

We aren’t the first people to have this idea, and Mr Mark Beaumont has done it twice! Maybe let’s just follow him…

Mark Beaumont’s second and the fastest route around the World

Well, he did go a different way the second time, and the first time was still in the era of paper maps and planning. His account of the first attempt highlights some of the difficulties of route planning and logistics where through Pakistan he needed a police escort to cross the country safely and at many borders needed support from home and the British Embassy to ensure crossings were smooth. It is worth taking into account border crossing will likely cost us valuable time, but nowadays many visas are available online, streamlining the procedure somewhat.

His second record was intensely researched and planned to allow for the fastest route- just the logistics of this are mind-boggling, and yet he still had to take “public” flights so have a team set to make sure he was straight off the plane and straight on the bike with as little time as possible lost. Having roadside support, even though he avoided drafting, undoubtedly had benefits though in terms of having a bed, shelter and food wherever he chose to stop instead of being tied to the next village or town for supplies. He was able to travel incredibly light and have spares and kit transported for him. Guinness World Records do not distinguish between supported and unsupported attempts because it is too much of a grey area- where does the line fall? No one can carry everything they need to circumnavigate the World but if you are unsupported can you accept the help of friends or must you pay for and resupply everything yourself? Can you accept a night’s shelter from a stranger or must you camp in all weathers and terrain?

We would be delighted to go for a fully supported attempt, akin to the absolutely astounding achievement of Mark, we just need a tiny bit of sponsorship money to cover the wages of a support team of 40 people, so drop us a line if you are interested…

What I believe to be another benefit of the support vehicle is protection. Jenny Graham pretty much followed Mark Beaumont’s route and it obviously worked well for her too, with what arguably is just as much of a feat of endurance as she was completely unsupported for her 124days. Her account of cycling through Russia is pretty terrifying though, to the point where she felt it so dangerous she switched her body clock to ride at night to avoid the lethal trucks and traffic.

I do feel that a support vehicle would have provided some protection for a lone cyclist and having spoken to Jenny, have reservations about whether the risk is worth the benefit of this route. It may appear the quickest and most direct on paper, but I do wonder if the psychological aspects. Russia is a VERY big country and I think the motivational impact of checking countries off the list quickly should not be underestimated. I think an extended period in Russia (likely a couple of months) could have a negative impact on morale, whereas crossing more borders and cultures will give the impression of making more positive progress; it is similar to an audax where we focus on riding the next control point, not the end destination. I really would have liked to go to Mongolia though… maybe next time!

So, where next? A route through Europe and Turkey seems very amenable, and many round the World cyclists will then opt to cross the Caspian sea into the ‘stans and ride the famous Pamir highway and Silk Road routes. These exotic sounding locations, and amazing views are certainly tempting and I have spent a fair bit of time wistfully flicking through the amazing images taken by @pedallingtheplanet photos from their ride which are available in a rather beautiful photobook raising money for World Bicycle relief.

They made a choice, as many do with time on their hands, to take the rather infamous boat from Baku to Aktau. This legendary boat has no time table, no booking system and you can only buy your ticket the day the boat leaves…Bit of a conundrum there!! The boat usually goes once or twice a week but as this could risk us a 3-4 day wait. It is just not feasible; every day lost is >100miles we need to make up on other days so the thought of tagging 400 extra miles on is not great.

So, we avoid the Caspian sea (or at least save it for next time!) and look into other routes. In 2008 Mark Beaumont’s route took him through Turkey, Iran and Pakistan to get to India and this creates a nice solid line across central Asia. However, as I mentioned the political situation in some of these countries caused set backs and as much as the reports of riding through Iran are that they are the most friendly and welcoming country on a cyclists trip (some travellers have left with more food and money than they entered the country with thanks to the immense hospitality of the Iranians). Unfortunately the impossbility of us getting visas has put paid to any ideas of visiting. Even though the risks of visiting these countries should be taken seriously, I have now read so many accounts of wonderful experiences that I can’t help but feel there is a Western bias against them due to a small mislead minority that do not represent a nation of good people. I suspect we will actually be at more risk in more Westernised countries, in built up cities, than in the countryside of the Middle East and the most horrific incident I have heard of happening to a cyclist was when Verdangi Kulkarni was intentionally knocked off her bike, held at knife point, robbed and left unconscious on the side of the road! This was in Spain!! Sadly, there are bad people all over the World, but happily they are greatly outweighed by the good.

At this point I decided to put Central Asia on the back burner and focus on the rest of the World. If we weren’t going through Russia and Mongolia, India, Myanmar and South East Asia would be a possibility and an infinite number of possible routes through Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Malaysia, but these would be dependant on distances completed on other legs.

Australia was always going to be a necessity and having heard so many accounts of riding across the arid Nullabor plain and the infamous 90mile straight it seemed inevitable we would head this way too. We figured Mark was going to have this route down pat now having crossed Australian twice and nabbed his route, which is handily widely available online and on Strava.

New Zealand is a lot of flying for not a lot of miles and also a ferry between South and North Islands, but contains our antipodal point at Wellington. There are surprising few of these points, direct opposites on the planet, that are on land so we were actually quite limited in out selection. The other “side” will be near Alaejos in Spain. Again Mark’s routing came in handy for this stretch excepting that he made some diversions for road closures on his trip and we are avoiding some busier roads nearer to Auckland. We may encounter similar issues nearer the time in terms of changes to the route and as much as we are determined to get a solid basis for where we will go, we accept that there may be many revisions and reviews before we set off and on the road. Most of the planning so far has been done using a combination of Ride with GPS and Komoot, two great route planning platforms which allow for uploading and downloading routes and planning your own with features that pick out routes best for cycling and give distance and elevation. Ride with GPS I have found easiest to get a broad outline of routes and also to find routes that others have planned and used and Komoot is great for details, right up to including terrain and barriers to cycling. Komoot have kindly sponsored us with a premium package which will allow us to download offline routes to navigate by and is also really easy to work on a mobile phone to make route adjustments as you go, it is perfect for more leisurely rides, runs and walks too!

Back to routing… at this point we are over half way around the World! And the next stop is America.

I spent a long time toying with the idea of South America, a continent I would love to visit again and tales such as Alastair Humphries “Thunder and Sunshine” have done nothing to quell my wanderlust, but the practicalities and safety aspect finally got the better of me. Many of the South American countries are not exactly flat, and although many do cycle tour there (Colombia for example has recently become one of the top cycling destinations in the World!) we need to prioritise speed and safety on our trip. Tandem WOW, the awesome female record holders went South through the USA whereas Mark and Jenny started in the North, riding from Alaska to Canada to the Northern USA. Jenny has also released her route recently on Ride with GPS too, so it’s easy to “borrow” that too!

However, there are some considerations with this route: firstly bears! Listening to Jenny Graham hiding in a toilet whispering in case the bears hear is just gold:

But I feel more of a reflection of her state of absolute exhaustion having cycled most of the way around the planet, by herself and unsupported for hundreds of miles a day than proportional to the actual risk. Alaska and Canada are more isolated places though as when supporting yourself you need to take into account getting supplies and shelter along the way, the weather will be colder too which would mean we would end up carrying more kit.

I have a strange bias against the USA, as it seems statically this is the country in which Round the World cyclists are knocked off their bike, robbed or both (Sean Conway, Mark Beaumont, Tim Millikin…etc) and although I suspect more coincidence that statistically fact, the thought still sticks with me… But with Stevie having travelled in the States before is certainly excited to go back and I conceded crossing the US of A is the most sensible route- there’s still some epic climbs though! We looked at numerous routes but eventually settled on the TransAmerica Trail cycle route.

This is a route designed for cyclists, meaning not only should the roads be smooth and safe, but also that there should be good facilities for cyclists along the way. As much as this is a challenge and we will be pushing our limits to get around the World in record time, this is only going to be made easier by having beautiful and amazing routes and food and shelter close to hand.

And then with a few tweaks to the route to get us to New York, a hop across the Atlantic to Lisbon, Portugal, a skip across Spain, a hop across France and we’re there! Around the World in 180 days!!

We must be careful not to underestimate this last stage, about 2000miles long and Spain will be one of the hilliest countries we pass through. I cannot begin to imagine how we will feel by the point in the ride, but I doubt we will feel like we are on the home straight until the Brandenburg Gate is in sight…

And so much can happen along the way, already a major stumbling block in our planning process is a huge military coup in Myanmar and a year long state of emergency! UK national have been evacuated and it is certainly not safe to travel at the moment and we fear it won’t be by the time of our trip. This is a very sad turn of event as TandemWOW were lucky enough to ride through the country and had some fantastic experiences doing it.

So our dilemmas over routing through Asia still remained and now we had even more miles to factor in. And then I had a brainwave: if we can’t go across and under the Caspian sea, why don’t we go over it? That way we will go from Georgia, avoid Azerbaijan which was looking slightly dodgy in terms of visas, into Russia and then through Kazakstan to Biskek in Kyrgystan. We might even meet Borat! On a serious note cycling in the ‘stans is becoming increasingly popular and with events like the Silk Road Mountain Race these lesser-known destinations are becoming better suited to intrepid cyclists. What’s the worst that could happen…

So, that is the bare bones of our route.

The route we may or may not take…

There will be undoubtedly many more tweaks, adjustments and full on reroutes to come, and we are keenly aware that COVID may still have an impact, but at this point we are keen to continue as planned and as Mark Beaumont says, ” just ride the road in front of you”.

Do you have any thoughts on where we should or shouldn’t go? What would be your dream cycling destination? Where do you think we will have the best time? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

A Running Joke?

Me? Running? Surely that must be a joke…

but it’s gone midday and there’s a serious message behind this…

So, inspiration and material for blog posts about tandeming has been hard to come by these past few months, but I have to confess to having something else on my mind too: Running.

Now, to say I have not been a natural runner would be an understatement as despite what I achieve on the bicycle or foot I still do not consider myself “sporty” or “athletic”. I was a typical “last to get picked” at school for sports and various people (including myself) have labelled me “two left footed”, “clumsy”, “not built for running” and “likely to injure myself” if I run. These statements have been proven to be true a number of times, with the notable exception of as an 11 year old I beat an 18 year old lad to a tub of ice cream… but I think that says more about my love of ice cream…

Will still run for ice cream….

The seeds of starting to reassess these preconceptions I had about myself came about after a knee injury and subsequent surgery where I met a particularly good, if slightly bonkers, physio. He took one look at the “funny walk” I had had since fracturing my leg as a child and declared he would not only fix my immediate recovery issues but rebuild me: he was good to his word!

A few years later, not only my fitness but also my posture and balance had improved no end and I had gone from clinging to a cross-trainer for dear life to being able to knit and cross-train at the same time (possibly the highest risk sporting activity I have undertaken). My confidence grew with my cycling and when I completed my first 100 mile sportif in just over 6 hours, for the first time in my life I felt like I could achieve something sporty.

I was soon hooked on the longer distances in cycling and am still fascinated and enthralled by how far I can go (hopefully around the World…), but running was still completely off the cards. And then something changed…

I can’t quite clearly remember what the catalyst was; it may have been as simple as money off trainers through my job and keeping up winter training when the roads were too icy to cycle or maybe it was that I was now hooked on the sensation of doing things no one expected of me; especially myself.

So on with the new trainers and off I went.

Apart from it wasn’t that simple. I had never really run anywhere (apart from for that tub of ice cream, away from a charging bull and for a bus) so trying to figure out my cadence, foot placement and just how to move my body felt alien and wrong. I tried to build up slowly , from 1 miles to 2 miles but was soon injured and put off. Or so I thought… a few months later I was jogging again, but in typical “never do anything by halves” style I decided to try and run after a long ride and this time ended up in a splint for 2 weeks with an ankle the size of a melon.

Surely this was indication enough I am not built for running, and the injury was scarily close to one of my biggest rides ever and resulted in another visit to ever so slightly mad physio who had me wobbling about on one leg on a balance board. But somehow the idea had now stuck and disregarding his advice, and that of many other people, a few months later I went out to run again and this time I started to go far! Sod the 10% rule!!

And maybe this was the key for me: LSD, Long Steady Distance. I have never been built for speed, but once I started going long I settled into my pace and my endurance for cycling served me well in terms of getting comfortable for the long run. I felt rather privileged, if out of my depth, to be invited on a Birthday run with @fellrunlikeagirl on what turned out to be a brutally stormy February day- high winds, bruising hail and getting blown into heather bushes on Derwent Moor for 10miles and I was hooked! Why run on roads when there’s trails, mud and grass?! So into the hills I headed, or rather the South Derbyshire lanes. Lockdown hit and combined with upheavals at works getting out for a run was the breathe of fresh air I needed in the little free time I had and then became a challenge to see how far I could go. That winter I ran my first marathon distance and was overcome with emotion- this was something I literally and honestly never believed I would be able to do! I could not believe what my little legs were capable of!!

Too many adventure and endurance podcasts and too many inspiring figures: Sabrina Vergee, Jasmin Paris, Nikki Spinks, Anna McNuff, Mimi Anderson to name but a few, planted seeds that I could go further… I am not yet at my limit.

Having generally strengthened and conditioned my body through a newfound love of yoga too means injuries are much less frequent and I am so much more balanced and sure of my footing- I wish someone had told me years ago this was something I could fix, not just live with.

I also fold away quite neatly for storage now!

And that brings us to where I was at the start of the year: With an amazing tandem cycling ambition in the distance future, but a dearth of rides sooner, a restriction on the distance I can travel locally and an ambiguity about restrictions lifting. Everything fell into place for my particularly crazy idea to for the first time in my life follow an actual training plan (albeit of my own design) and focus on one specific event: A running holiday, from Coast to Coast.

Now, Coast to Coast is an iconic route, famously detailed by Wainright, from St Bees on the West coast to Robin Hood’s Bay on the East coast. Stevie has walked it twice and it sounds like a tremendous adventure I look forward to completing in hiking boots… but just imagine if I could run from one side of the country to the other, that would be something else entirely. Initially, I had plans to aim for around the 20mile distance a day, but it was pointed out to me that I may as well be walking it at that pace per day… so I settled for ~30miles. This would take me 6 days. To run 182 miles.

It was a fairly arbitrary decision at first but the more I considered and looked into it, the more it made sense. I would just need a little bit of support along the way and this is where Stevie comes in! He will be driving our campervan along the way whilst I run in between with him meeting me en route with provisions and likely walking/running to meet me towards the end of each day.

So training officially began in January, luckily coinciding with a new job so they accepted me running to work was just part of the mad things I do until I had built up enough miles and confidence to come clean I had a specific goal in mind. My training plan was based on a podcast I listened to by RedZone running, but seems to be working so far! HIIT sessions are excruciating and I hate them, but its all par for the course.

It all sounds good on paper, but I am under no impression this is going to be easy, or even doable. Ste and I have talked endlessly about when I call it quits, when enough will be enough and is this how I really want to spend my holiday… But, it now feels like something I have to do, I have to try and prove, to myself if nobody else. And so it’s taken me quite a while to confess to anyone else about my “holiday” plans. Part of me was quite happy to keep this to myself until I

a. reach the end and bathe in the glory and ice cream as I upload it to Strava or

b. pretend it never happened hobbling home with my tail between my legs. (And eat more ice cream)

But then in March I heard something that shocked me : 5 Vets and 1 Veterinary Techinician (Nurse) had lost their lives to mental health problems in one week. An awful tragedy.

Now a lot of people would be undertaking this challenge to raise money and support for a charity but in my case (and possibly selfishly) I had felt I did not have enough time with all the Round the World promo going off and also am aware it becomes tedious is the same people keep shaking their tin for every event they sign up for. But I felt I should do something, after all there could be a modicum of interest from people other than close friends and family to see how I fair on such a grueling route.

So I would like to raise awareness of the epidemic that is mental health problems in the Veterinary profession. I will not have a fund-raising page, but donation directly to Vetlife will be extremely gratefully received. Vetlife are one of the charities we are supporting Around the World, but after such a horrendous start to the year and the pressures we have all endured through lockdown I would just like to raise a bit of awareness of the problems the Veterinary profession faces. As a profession we are 3-4 times more likely to commit suicide that the general population and mental health problems are rife. There is a saying in our profession that “Everybody knows somebody” and after than horrendous week earlier in the year membership to the “Not One More Vet” Facebook group skyrocketed. I do not intend to delve into or discuss the reasons or causes of the statistics, but strongly feel that whatever the reasons are, for your profession to put you at this high a risk of harm is completely unacceptable. I certainly know far too many who have been damaged.

There are now some fantastic support networks out there and funding goes a long way to support these, but I would just like to raise bit of awareness of the issues we face. I completely understand how much of an emotional and stressful experience a trip to the Vets can be, especially if coupled with an unexpected bill but would just urge pet owners to consider that Vets and support staff are now usually the bottom rung of the chain, and decisions about treatment plans, pricing or protocols may not be down to them (many Vets are run by big corporations, I am very lucky to work for a small independent practice) and that pet healthcare is essentially private healthcare so cost for state of the art treatments are high. I cannot ever remember meeting a Vet (or Vet Nurse or Receptionist) that is in it for the money and personal financial pressures are certainly one of many contributing factors to the disturbing statistics.

So I hope to encourage kindness towards a profession that works tirelessly from it’s heart and if we cannot get if 100% right all the time it is because we are human, not because we don’t care and try. If just one person reads this and reframes any preconceptions they have before behaving aggressively at a Vets, lodging a malicious formal complaint which could cost us our career or thinks twice before posting a negative review, it could literally be life saving. Please be kind. Please.

There are so many parallels between endurance challenges and working in Veterinary medicine: time management, endurance, self awareness, planning, team working, breaking thing down into manageable chunks, dealing with emergencies and trying to believe, when you are a rock bottom that a brighter day will come and everything is temporary. I am sure my experiences in both will be critical to my success, or failure, of the next epic challenge.

One thing is for sure, I have decided to take you all along for the run, if you will join me:

Click the link below to join the event!

I hope to post regular updates and videos alone the way on my Facebook event and Instagram, and if you are amused/entertained/horrified/fascinated/inspired/amazed/abhorred by what I am attempting, please spread a bit of awareness and help make “Not One More Vet” (or Vet Support Staff) come true.

N.b. We will still be abiding by Covid restrictions on this trip by using self contained accommodation and following social distancing principles, I am just extremely grateful we are at a point that is challenge is possible.

We are also very much on track with our main goal: to break the World Tandem Riding Record, and after this trip running will be curtailed to reduce any risk of injury before our big trip! Back to the bikes soon…

If you are part of the Veterinary profession and affected by the issues mentioned in this article please consider chatting to Vetlife : . You can call or email confidentially. If you are not a Veterinary professional but affected by mental health issues other avenues are support are available through Mind and the Samaritans or your local GP.

Trying to Ride Bicycles in Winter

It’s been a tough old winter, and without ranting on about the obvious reasons (which I’m sure everyone is sick of hearing of!), it’s feeling like a long one too…

Today is another day we are planning to ride our bicycles and another day of uninspiring weather and the challenges winter brings: weather, daylight, morale, motivation, fitness and speed.

It’s not looking tempting:

But we are imbued with the spirit of long distance cycling so will brave the murk regardless- at least it’s not snowing or raining… yet…

My long distance/ Audax career actually started off with winter riding when for some reason I decided my first 200km ride should be “Straight on at Rosie’s” in February 2016 which was a “trial by rain and wind” riding through a big weather front who’s name I forget! If I hadn’t already been a hardened outdoorsy type I think it would have put me off for life, but I remember sitting in the thankfully toasty warm room at the finish, sipping scalding hot sugar tea between shivers and trying to smile and not let my eyes run with the pain of hot aches as blood made it’s way back to my extremities.

We made a couple of novice errors on that ride including not having reliable navigation for the dark and good enough lights, but it just meant we learnt a lot for next time!

Write up from my first audax in trying conditions
Wrapped up warm on “Straight on at Rosie’s” 200km audax

After that ride I had a whole Summer to lure myself into a false sense of security, with balmy long days where we didn’t have to worry about how much charge we have in our lights, how many layers of clothing we will need, where we can stop and get a warm drink, whether there will be ice on the the roads.

Summer riding is a doddle!

All these things and more make things tougher in winter. Not only do you need to take more clothes on the bike, requiring bigger saddle bags and more weight, you have to put more clothes on so even getting ready to go out is a whole evolution that takes longer. Then if you haven’t got the layering right you find yourself stopping a mile or two down the road frantically shedding layers before you sweat into them, making them wet and cold.

Me wearing 7 layers on to December 2020, it proved to be a bit of overkill!
Layered up before the “Mere 200km” in January 2019

Stevie in particular suffers with cold hands on winter rides and has a glove layering system to try and keep them toasty, but thicker gloves mean reduced dexterity making it harder to do just about everything: change gear, zip things up, get things out of pockets, eat, work GPS devices and phones. My abilities to do admin and logisitics from the back of the tandem are severely reduced without risking losing my fingers to the cold.

Risking cold fingers to take a photo!
Icy handle bars make for a cold start

The shorter days are probably the next biggest challenge, with some days feeling over before they have barely begun and the continual consideration of how we will remain lit and safe on dark roads. Sadly, my trusty Exposure link helmet light malfunctioned this week and started flashing instead of having a continuous beam and made my short commute home absolutely miserable as I realised how much we take for granted how good lighting is nowadays.

Short days end quickly, sunset over the LLyn Peninsula in Wales
Routesheet reading is also more challenging in Winter

Even when it is light, grey overcast days seem depressing and uninspiring compared the baking heat of Summer. The normal buzz you get from great views and sunlight scenery is just not the same in the rain.

Riding the Etape du Dales route, Yorkshire Dales in Feb 2017. Still dramatic in Winter

And therefore the motivation to ride is less. It’s a struggle to get out of the warm cosy house, it’s an effort to make rides count and the cold air makes it impossible to ride at the speeds you can in the Summer months. I tried to ride a standard Winter ride of mine last weekend that I like to call the “Fixties”. Based on our standard 50mile training route that we often ride on fixed wheel bicycles, I aim to ride it “broken” on my heavy steel geared winter touring bike “Betty” and then “fixed” on my fixed wheel bike Kathrim.

Braving the first loop of the “Fixties” in 2019

Even though I have managed this ride before in Winter, huge patches of ice on the roads and severe Easterly winds meant I only got the first lap done. Stevie tries to console me that it is a tough ride in the Summer months, but I’m still disappointed- it was diabolically slow!

And ice is a serious game changer. You just don’t go messing about with ice and bicycles. I had a couple of falls on the slippery stuff, luckily both from minimal /no speed but there is nothing worse than that feeling of vertical to horizontal in no time at all…

There is no point risking serious injury trying to ride for pleasure around icy roads, but when your bicycle is your transport to work sometime you have to brave the elements. My main strategy is super low tire pressures, look well ahead, unclip if concerned and be prepared to bail and walk! I find off road tracks much easier to ride in the frost and also negate the danger of those horrible big metal boxes joining me ice skating on asphalt!

But snow is a different matter! I learnt a lot about riding in snow through my time commuting too and from Uni in Edinburgh and fresh snow is rarely an issue, if you can stay clear of the dangerous metal boxes which seem to become erratic and unpredictable as soon as the first flake falls. It is the following days when the snow might have frozen to be wary of.

So how to find motivation in Winter? It’s tricky I must admit but we have a few sneaky tricks in terms of making it seasonal:

We regularly “ride home for Christmas” as 200km tandem journey to my parents in Berkshire where we attempt to eat them out of house and home for a few days before riding back again for New Year. “Tandem deliveries” proved a novel eco-friendly way to deliver gifts and shoehorn in a bike ride this year.

And then the other motivation… winter food! (And drinks)

Drinking from a cold bottle is much harder in winter so it’s easy to get dehydrated and cafe stops are essential to keep fluid levels up. Particularly tricky at the moment without having a picnic…

So, it’s not all bad in winter and every mile now will count more than that in Spring and Summer. We see winter training as essential to keep our fitness up and also builds on our endurance and skills for dealing with extreme conditions. On that note, I’d better get on the bike!!

But oh, for Summer days…


So… I was hoping at this point in time to be writing about our next epic ride, likely battling the Winter elements, travelling far and wide in the UK and continuing our Randonneur Round the Year Challenge…

But this was not to be. Instead we are agonising over what “local” means and wisely Audax UK has suspended all ride validations, firmly encouraging us to stay home. Not that we need a huge amount of encouraging between torrential rain, icy roads and snow showers!

So being without physical training, I have been more focused on the other aspects of our trip and was extremely excited to feature in my first Podcast the other day on VetChat from the Webinar Vet:

Listen to my first podcast here!

I was rather pleased about this as I have become a bit of a Podcast junkie over the past year, especially for anything involving cycling and endurance and I have certainly been inspired by what I have listened to.

This got me thinking about inspiration more broadly and how on earth we both reached the point where we are planning a record breaking tandem ride around the planet! For me I have always had an adventurous side from an early age and have been fascinated by different places and travel. Some of my biggest inspirations growing up were David Attenborough and Gerald Durrell- I’m pretty sure everybody without a heart of stone finds Sir David inspirational, but for me it was his early books and films, like Zoo Quest, where he travelled to distant lands, through unmapped countries and submerged himself in local cultures which fascinated me!

Both these great naturalists wrote almost as much about the people, places and cultures as they did about the animals themselves!

For Stevie, his childhood inspirations were more cycling based and he was a avid follower of the Tour De France and riders such as Greg LeMond.

He introduced me to some cycling greats as well such as Beryl Burton, the fastest lady of her time known for dishing out a liquorice allsort as she sped past her male cohorts and Graeme Obree who we had the pleasure of hearing speak live and are now proud owners of a signed print!

We may have taken some inspiration for our pre-wedding photoshoot from a certain cycling couple too!

I suspect the seeds were sown for our epic adventure one cold winter’s night when we heard Emily Chappell and Jenny Graham speak in Buxton. We were lucky to meet Emily afterward and I very much enjoyed her second book, “Where there’s a Will” about her adventures riding the trans-continental race, but I feel the enigmatic Jenny Graham recounting her amazing record breaking ride Around the World may have started something…

We didn’t think much more of it at the time and it wasn’t until I stumbled across a particularly amazing story of TandemWOW, the two ladies who hold the current tandem circumnavigation record and managed it by getting back in by the skin of their teeth before first lockdown!

As fantastic as their ride was, it start us thinking about what we could achieve and how amazing it would be to see the world at the speed of a bicycle!

Before I knew what was happening, I was listening to the irrepresible Jenny Graham recount her own adventures via podcast:

… and the rest was history!

Since then inspiration has come from the Tough Girl, Everything Endurance , Bike Tour Adventures and the Adventure podcasts. I have also sought out podcasts, blogs, articles and books from pretty much anyone who has travelled around the world on a bicycle such as Mark Beaumont, Jenny Graham, Juliana Buhring, Sean Conway, Alasair Humphreys, Verdangi Kulkarni, Sarah Outen, Fredricka Ek, Helen Landridge… the list goes on!

A small selection…

Alastair Humphreys has a particularly inspiring set of books, blogs and podcast and is all about Living Adventurously and microadventures and is all about normal people getting out there to do extraordinary things.

I’m gradually working my way through a whole host of blogs and youtube channels too but special mentions got to “Pedalling the Planet” who have made a particularly beautiful photobook …

… Wheels to Wander, who have some amazing footage:

… and Ed Pratt, who wins the prize for the most eccentric journey – on a unicycle!!

A very special mention must go to Luke Grenfell-Shaw and his epic Bristol to Bejing journey. This young man is a “CanLiver”, a young man suffering from cancer who is raising money for cancer related charities and awareness of the opportunities those aflicted by such dreadful disease can still have. Whatever we do and achieve will pale to insignificant compared to the ambition and bravery of this young man- please consider supporting him:

So internet stalking all these amazing people is very well and good, but a more personal take on advice is even better! The legend that is Jenny Graham has already spoken to me and given us loads of tips and massively excitingly I will be speaking to the one and only Mark Beaumont next week!

I’m up to date on his own podcast, aptly named endurance:

and I’ve alost finished his most recent book, which is essential a “how to” of cycling around the world!

But I’m sure there is much more advice to gain from the man who has raced around the world on a bicycle not once but twice!

All these inspirational people have got my thinking, and I realise there is so much knowledge and information out there we can gain by speaking to them, which has lead to my most recent slightly crazy idea: our own podcast!

I hope to be speaking to a range of people from the world of cycling and endurance and hope some of the tips and tricks we gain will inspire others too! It’s my first time doing anything thing like this and being the other side of the questioning is rather daunting but I’ve already had such a fabulous response from quite a few fantastic people that I’m sure they will see me through!

So if you have any energy or interest after all that, please subscribe to our podcast and hopefully you can be inspired too!

A Festive 500km: Part 2, Stevie

In part one Laura has finished her festive 500km utilising her cycle commutes to work to get the miles in, but this has left Stevie struggling to get the miles in.
Without work commitments Stevie is responsible for pretty much everything else in the festive period- walking the dog, household chores and seeing family and friends, which actually left less time for riding his bicycle than expected. After a very solid effort training on the bicycle during the past two months, aided by a break from the booze, fitness is certainly not the issue

But Stevie’s story shows why the Festive 500 is not gimme, no matter how fit you are!

24th December, Ride 1

Last minute Christmas preparations whilst I finished up at work left Stevie running behind on his intended longer loop out to come and “pick me up” via bicycle. Luckily I finished just about on time so didn’t leave him waiting in the cold too long, but the broken state of my legs from my ambitious running attempts meant my pace was ridiculously slow on the way back. He had already bailed me out the day before by collecting a very soggy tired me and my bicycle from the start of the High Peak trail, driven us to get a Christmas Dinner Burger from Annie’s burger shack and then essentially done all my walking for me as I was slumped on the couch after my efforts… He probably should have guessed I wouldn’t be racing anywhere today but was soon getting chilly as I ambled along the country lanes enjoying having someone to chat to instead of my usual solo reprieve after work. We were soon home so he could warm up and we had a cosy evening in, opening some presents early in anticipation of a busy couple of days ahead. (Santa said it was ok because I was at work!)

Even though he was the one not at work, Christmas and Boxing day were certainly busy for Stevie. Christmas day started early dropping me off at work for my shift, then getting everything ready to walk down with our dog to his parents who were in our Christmas bubble, although I’m sure it was no hardship being treated to his Mum’s Christmas dinner the festivities left no time for cycling. Boxing Day allowed him a later start but with still plenty to do, picking up presents and a Boxing Day dinner from his parents, walking the dog, meeting a friend who was alone at Christmas as well as the usual chores. He had also purposely “hopped off the wagon” briefly for Christmas and had a couple of drinks to celebrate on Christmas day, but followed this trend on boxing day too so I when I got home quite late he was out for the count in bed, a veritable lightweight after 2 months off and a few festive drinks, and yet again no riding done…

299.1 miles to go.

27th December, Ride 2

Despite a fuzzy head, Stevie surprised me by rousing himself early to get on the bike. He had arranged to meet a friend and was out of the house and riding before I had even made it out of bed! Certainly dedication to the cause! A slow and testing route by all accounts given the weather conditions and festive recovery. A couple of mince pies saw him through though but he wheeled back home later than expected and we failed to cross paths before I went out on my own ride. I came home later to find he had been surprisingly productive through the rest of the day sorting presents and wrapping paper and clearing up the mess I had left strewn after a few solid days at work. I had out done him again with mileage however, so he was still playing catch up.

265.7 miles to go

28th December, Ride 3

Finally we made it out together over the festive period, and not only that but on tandem. This bitterly cold ride saw us both suffer badly, but especially with poor circulation to his extremities (a downside of having such long limbs!) added an extra level of challenge whilst trying to steer the tandem through the icy lanes. I could hunker down at the back, trying to avoid the bitingly cold wind, but Ste was more exposed to the elements. His expertise in handling the tandem in tricky conditions kept us safe and I was impressed he opted to do two extra loops around the block to round our mileage up- a true demonstration of endurance when we could have just gone straight home- being on the back I didn’t have any choice in the matter!

215.0 miles to go

29th December, Ride 4

At one point I genuinely thought Stevie would bottle out of riding today as when he woke up it was the last thing he wanted to do. He had more opportunity to pick and chose the weather windows when he rides and after the past few months certainly didn’t need to get out on the bike for fitness. It would have been entirely sensible for him to stay at home, take some time to relax and worry about riding another day, the festive 500km is a completely arbitrary concept after all!
But as I started getting ready he begrudgingly joined me and after I made him a bowl of readi brek he was just about good to go.

The most suitable bicycle he had ready to go at short notice is “the Spinning Aubergine”, a heavyweight steel fixie (fixed wheel bicycle with only one gear). This left him grinding or honking out of the saddle on all the climbs and spinning his legs down all the descents as there is not freewheel options so when the wheel turns, so do your legs!
He did a great job route planning on the road with his encyclopedic knowledge of Derbyshire and was very gallant about my route choice on the way home where I unwittingly gave his legs a whole lot more climbing to do. The beauty of the peaks in the snow certainly improved both our moods and by the time we got to Kniveton he was posing in front of the moon at sunset over the hillside. We both felt this ride was a fantastic effort in conditions that would have put most people off, but with experience and good preparation we were rewarded with a rather special ride.

137.3 miles to go

30th December, Ride 5

When I swanned of on my morning loop before work, Stevie opted to stay in to spend half an hour or so fixing Pauline’s (my work bike) bottom bracket. She has been a reliable steed on the whole but her bottom bracket has consistently been playing up and coming loose despite Stevie’s previous work on her. Knowing I had a week of commuting to and from night shifts on her he set about making sure she was in tip top condition, but often as these things go a half hour job was only just finished a couple of hours later when I got back from my own ride. Yet again I eyed up Stevie suspiciously, trying to gauge whether he would be going out or not having been tied up for so long… I dared not ask I felt slightly responsible that the mechanical work with my bike had put his Festive 500 in jeopardy while I merrily carried on with mine!
But, he stuck to his guns again and went out on the same route I had just ridden, which also meant he got back in time to see me off before work. This meant it was another short day ride for him, but this mileage meant he still just about had the festive 500 in his grasp…

He got back in just in time for us to have one last catch up before I become the semi-nocturnal grumpy beast I am on nights only to find his Strava hadn’t recorded. His disappointment was palpable, we had already endured enough and if his efforts today were not counted he would almost certainly fail to get the rest of the miles in. Thinking quickly, I realised we had ridden the same route- albeit me a lot slower, so I was able to add him to my ride. He was still in the running!… Just…

110.1 miles to go. One day left.

31st December, Ride 6

I arrived back from work in my usual dozy state after a night shift and after making me tea, cooking me brunch and tucking me up in bed Stevie set out again. On his way out of the bedroom, he encountered another unexpected hazard and I suddenly heard a scream and a bang!

Jumping back out of bed I found Stevie on all fours from where he had landed heavily and a rather irate looking Doxy the Cat glaring at us from across the hall. “Is she ok?” Stevie asks, “check her over!”. It transpires she had settled comfortably in one of her favourite spots on top of the hot pipes leading into the bedroom and as Stevie had put the heating on at an unusual hour ready for my return home had forgotten she might be there. A quick veterinary examination revealed the cat to be pissed off but unscathed, infuriated that we could possibly intrude on her nap time, but unfortunately my husband had fared less well landing heavily on his knee whilst trying to avoid a flattened feline. There was little more I could do and while Doxy relented enough to come and sleep directly on my head while I napped, Stevie went out to brave the cold.

Doxy the cat: unharmed and in prime postion!

The ice had not really melted overnight and although the sun was shining it was due to be a cold day. He set out North hoping for a headwind out and tailwind back whilst speeding up the A6, the winter weather got the better of him however and a ride that should have been straight forward was extremely trying in the cold winter air which seems heavy and dense. It was so cold his water bottle froze and he was unable to drink properly. He still managed to time getting back home to see me off to work and turned up damp, tired, cold and with icicles in his beard.

He was still over 50 miles off finishing the 500km, it was 5pm at night and I could see all he wanted was a quiet night in front of the fire watching the darts. “You don’t need to do this Ste” I say, “It’s completely arbitrary and not one cares anyway” (except Mr Inevitable who had been tracking our progress on Strava). He looks shattered and with the roads getting icier as it gets colder I’m really not sure it’s a good idea for him to go back out. He knee is still sore form the cat incident earlier and he has every excuse to pack it in.

His resolve shines through though and he says he has a plan riding loops of the estate to get the mileage up- this sounds like madness to me! I can’t think of anything worse that riding the same loop over and over and over again as the night gets darker and colder and more bitter. But I have to go and leave him to it, a kiss good luck and I leave his with the ice melting in his beard as I ride off into the night.

Beardcicle anybody?!

Hours later I find just enough to time check Strava to see how he is doing, the ride that pops up is suspiciously short looking and I initially worry he has run out of steam or run into ice. And then I look closer and remember what he said earlier about riding loops and I get a buzz when I see the total mileage: 57.2miles!

He has somehow completed FOURTEEN laps around the village and not only that but on fixed wheel too has done almost 2750ft of climbing, significantly more that his foray into the peak district earlier in the day!! He finished at about 9:45pm, probably not the latest on record but certainly a close call and has hit the 500km distance on the nose!

Our experiences and rides have been quite different and both with their challenges, but I really think Stevie pulled it out of the bag with his last tremendous effort on very arduous ride. His disadvantages came from his duty to others: looking after me, fixing my bike and spending valuable time with friends and family. It was not necessary for him to do the Festive 500km for fitness but he chose to do it anyway and I think this shows (along with a degree of madness), the other side of endurance; the fortitude that is needed in those dark times when there seems no point, no hope just the will that says “go on”.

We are sad to spend New Year apart but as I listen to the fireworks going off around the practice I am filled with a sense of pride and positivity that this year of all years we have done what we set out to do and both got our Festive 500kms.